For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
In the beginning, God made people to bear his image. Humans are not creatures of instinct, but have a spirit and a conscience. God set mankind above every other creature in the garden, to care for them and tend them. People were created to have perfect fellowship with God, like Adam and Eve in the garden. We were made to reflect God’s own character, his faithfulness, his holiness, his love (among a good many other attributes).
But, that image has been marred by sin. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, people are no longer a perfect reflection of God’s character. We cannot uphold every promise, we are no longer holy, we do not love the way God loves. Thorns and thistles began to grow, and work became hard. Death entered the world. Sin separated us from fellowship with God.
But, Jesus came and lived among us. He is more than a perfect reflection of God’s character, Jesus is God. He perfectly fulfilled the purpose for which God created mankind. Because of His obedience, at the cross, Jesus took away the sin that separated us from God. He bore a crown of thorns so that one day no more thorns and sorrows will ever grow again. He died and rose again, defeating death forever.
Now, in Christ, we are being restored to reflect God’s character. We are His workmanship, being made new to do what God originally created us to do. God prepares the works, and gives us what we need to do them to reflect His character and bring Him glory.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation!
References: Genesis 1:27-28, Romans 1:20, 2:14-15, Genesis 3, John 1:14, Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 3:10
Studio Update
Well, I think you might say it’s been a productive month for me. Lots of spring flowers and colors in my “studio” this month. I am so, so happy I got to bring in fresh daffodils from the garden and draw them. There’s basically one or two daffodils from each week in March that have made their way up to my desk and eventually into my picture. Colored pencils and fresh “specimens” are definitely my favorite way to draw…even if I don’t always make time for it. The plan for this year is to make more time for this type of drawing (even though, I probably won’t stop the other doodles, too).
Anyway, here’s the photo dump from the month… and oh! The garden…is about ready to be planted. We have oodles of voles this year, so we’re trying our best to get as many tulips as we can (seems like every day, I go down and find a new tulip with the bottom missing, “picked” by the voles). I’m hoping that this doesn’t carry over into our veggies and flowers for the rest of the season, but I have a feeling we’re going to struggle with them all season long.

Anyway, thanks for stopping! Hope you enjoyed it and were encouraged.