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God’s Steadfast Love

Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love.

Micah 7:18

Last month, we were reminded of the weight of our sin. Then, we saw a glimpse of grace in Isaiah 53, that God made a way to redeem us from our sin. This grace has nothing to do with us and everything to do with who God is. God delights in showing steadfast love. It’s who he is.

From generation to generation, we see God’s steadfast love and faithfulness throughout the Bible. From the beginning with the very first man, Adam, who sinned in the garden, God gave the promise of a Savior from sin and death (Genesis 3:15). Even through the sinful days of Noah, God patiently preserved that promise. Through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God continued to bring about His promise, though they did not always see or understand it. God faithfully worked through Moses to bring His people up out of Egypt, giving a tangible expression of that promise. Woven throughout the threads of Israel’s history, God repeatedly condescended to sinful people and worked in them to bring about the promise of a Savior. God never ceases to care for His people. God is always faithful and delights in showing steadfast love, fulfilling the promise of a Savior in Jesus.

This is grace.

Studio Update:

Here’s some succulents I’ve been working on. The black paper is really fun to work with, and makes the succulents really stand out! I’m planning on turning this into fabric some day.

Below are some how-to-draw worksheets I’ve designed, if you’re interested. Click on the images below to access a printable download for these worksheets. Sit down with a cup of tea (or coffee), and try them out!

Hope you enjoyed this month’s update, and thanks for stopping by!


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All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:6

All we like sheep have gone astray. Every one has turned away from God’s good commandments. Each one has turned from loving and serving their Creator to loving and serving themselves. No one is righteous, there is no one who does good – not even one. Even our attempts to do good are tainted by our hidden motives, pride, and self-righteousness.

God is perfect, holy, and righteous. He has shown us what is good and right, but we have exchanged God’s truth for a lie (Romans 1). When we come face to face with God, we will be judged for everything we have done. We are accountable to God for our actions, words, and thoughts. God cannot tolerate our disobedience and sin, we stand guilty before him.

The consequence of sin is death – eternal death and separation from God.

Every human that walks the face of this earth deserves to die because we have all sinned – except for one. The ‘Him’ in this verse refers to Jesus, the only sinless man. God put our sin on Him, Jesus died in our place, He bore our sin and its consequence – death and separation from God (Matthew 27:46). Jesus bore that for us! Because of my sin Jesus died.

This is grace.

Studio Update:

Throughout the month of December, I’ve been working on some pen and ink bouquets. I’m super excited to turn these into cards and maybe prints! I really can’t decide which one is my favorite, but maybe I don’t have to.

Thanks for stopping by!
